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Sandra is intensely knowledgeable about her field and extremely intuitive in her coaching approach. I felt safe while mentored in understanding the enneagram and strengthsfinder and how it can help me to get to the core of who I am, away from the noise of this world. This is a process, not a quick fix, but every step brings you closer to living a fuller life of acceptance and joy. o see others in a more patient light.
- Reinée, Stellenbosch -
The process of getting to know oneself is an extremely empowering yet humbling experience. The nuanced inner workings of ourselves are often met with frustration and misunderstanding, but through the well-structured sessions a way to understand yourself (and others) is provided. It is difficult to experience impatience with yourself, and with those around you, if you understand where the feelings are coming from and why they are present. Your raw “humanness” is brought to the forefront and in doing so it opens your eyes to see others in a more patient light.
-Michelle, Stellenbosch -
Sandra was amazing!
Die 6 sessie saam met haar was 'n kragtige journey. Sandra se kennis, wysheid en kompassie was soos sterk arms wat my opgetel het en op nuwe plek neergesit het. Ek het sterker anderkant uitgekom. Ek verstaan myself en die mense om my beter. Ek verstaan hoe my gawes, talente en my persoonlikheid mekaar aanvul om 'n volledige prentjie te maak. Die prentjie wat 'ek' is. Na my sessies met Sandra voel ek vry om myself te wees. Om my eie skoene vol te staan. Om die lewe in die oë te kyk en die pad te loop wat God vir my het.
-Felicita, Belfast -
I approached Sandra to take the Enneagram journey because of the fruits I’d seen in friends
I respect deeply. In work and relationships, I began to see the world through the eyes of
other people, and gained sensitivity to motivations that I could never have grasped without
accompaniment. This softened all my relationships, and increased my capacity to listen
more compassionately. In the teaching profession and within teams, this tool gave me more
generosity to hold diverse motivations, and sensitivity to the way people naturally
complement or resist each other. Within conflict, I learned some of the both-and: to own
and accept my being without judgement, and also to hold space for the other. Without easy
resolutions and neat fairytale endings, the Enneagram gave me tools to hold challenging
spaces without being silent or walking away.
I initially resisted my own type, but the time Sandra gives to process, embody and observe
taught me the depth of this tool. It was heart-rending and wonderful to look at myself
clearly, but Sandra provided a pragmatic, honest and compassionate structure that felt safe.
For those who walk a spiritual path, her openness and discernment were my favorite
threads. Because of her sensitivity, the Enneagram exploration resonated deeply with a
journey I was already on. The resonance with discernment in many other facets of my life,
the words and analogies she spontaneously chose that ‘coincidentally’ held great weight for
me, repeatedly confirmed that she was deepening a path with me that already had great
traction. I was grateful to have her accompaniment, and I’m excited to go deeper with
Sandra and 'bläsəm'.
I leapt into this journey with Sandra after seeing the fruits in wise friends, and I am grateful I
did. Learning about where I fit into the Enneagram web of being, particularly during a
conflict situation, taught me to see myself and others more clearly. I’m slowly beginning to
accept both with less judgement. It’s wonderfully terrifying, useful and exciting to see my
and others’ gifts and challenges with such clarity, and Sandra provides a sensitive, discerning and, above all, safe space to do so.
-Wendy Stone, Stellenbosch -
Ek het die weeklikse in-check baie geniet. Dit was goed om ‘n klankbord te hê en saam hardop te dink. Ek het die identifisering van my top 10 strenghts insiggewend gevind. Dit was heeltemal spot-on. Ek het besef dat mens moet werk daaraan om hierdie sterkpunte te groei en nie so te fokus oor hoe om mens se “weaknesses” te ontwikkel of te verbeter nie. Maak dit wat sterk is, sterker. Met die oefening van die identifisering van “50 loves”, was dit vir my goed om te sien hoe dit help met die vasstel van my waardes. Dit het vir my dele van myself gewys wat ek al van vergeet het. Die sessies het my opgewonde gemaak vir nuwe dinge en fasette van myself ontdek, om nuwe dinge aan te pak en ou liefdes soos kuns en lees, weer te rekindle.
- Magda van Eck, Worcester -
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