Thank you for visiting my website. May you feel inspired by what you read and see in the few minutes to come. I am Sandra Fourie and I’m a personal developer and relationship coach. I use CliftonStrengths Assessment® and Integrative Enneagram (iEQ9) as the tools for the foundation of my workshops and sessions. I am curious about people and I am inspired when they are curious to learn more about themselves. That is why I’m excited to facilitate an insightful and compassionate personal development journey with you.
My workshops are based on my personal values and growth journey, which also became my brand's values and journey. Through my story, I facilitate a process for you to discover who you are, what your core motivations are and what behaviours you need to unlearn according to your profiles. My goal is to help you to embrace who you are and to share this with the people and the world around you in such a way that you develop and maintain healthy relationships.
Please note that I am not a counsellor or a therapist, but will gladly refer you to one should it be needed.
Together, let’s celebrate the first step to a new way of being.